Friday, January 15, 2010

What's New in the PRESS

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Please join me on twitter & facebook,
it's the easiest and best way for me to keep you posted on stuff,
share thoughts, hear yours
and stay connected!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Stand up and welcome, Meredith Baxter

Congratulations on coming out today Meredith!

Done with such grace, beauty and class... we welcome you...

And are are honored to have you in season two of
"We Have To Stop Now"
Cathy DeBuono, Meredith Baxter & Jill Bennett
on the set of "We Have To Stop Now"

Watch a preview of season 2 here:

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Guesting today on Afterellen's "Cherry Bomb"

The ladies of Afterellen and OUT-TV's "Cherry Bomb" had me on their show to talk about "the one".... does it exist?

I had a very good time with these chics.....

It's up at now,

give a click, leave a comment on AE.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

WIN A SWEET CRUISE! Tonight on "The Gloves Are Off" LIVE!

Jill Bennett and Cathy DeBuono



7:00pm PST

for their weekly interactive show
"The Gloves Are OFF"

Tonight, someone will call in and WIN a SWEET CARIBBEAN CRUISE!!!!! Will it be you?

Others will win hand crafted leather accessories

Cathy & Jill will also take on the controversial topic of South African runner, Caster Semenya and want to hear from you, on the phone, in the chat room, or FREE from ANYWHERE in the world via SKYPE.

So be there, LIVE!!!!!!!!!

...because vlogs are soooo yesterday...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Hump Day Crew

Aussie's Ginni and Adam of "The Hump Day Crew" had me on their show

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Great Gay Hero of 9/11

Facebook friend, Kate O'Donnell, brought this to my attention today. What a wonderful, wonderful way to not only pay a little respect to the memory of 9/11, but also to learn about the greatness of "one of us". You know how important I feel it is for us to continue to learn about our history as a culture, this man is a hero - and he is gay. These are the pieces of our history we need to pass amongst one another, of all ages - and enrich ourselves and our community with the pride of who we are and what we have the potential to be made of.

Here is what Kate's note said about this film:
"Cathy you would love this video. Please, please, please watch it. Especially while your recovering from surgery and have time. Father Mychal Judge was a Franciscan priest who died heroically on 9/11 while administering last rights to firefighters. Father Judge was an openly gay priest who ministered to NYC's Homeless, Alcoholics, HIV/AIDS patients, and Gay and Lesbian Catholics. Please watch Father Judge's movie the Saint of 9/11 I guarantee it will change your life both as gay person and as a psychologist."

Watch it today... invite your friends to watch with you... take our history in, and pass it on.

(it might be a fun thing to go pop out the CDB Chat Room Box from the CDB Channel Page and bring it with you so you can chat in real time with others while you watch together.... just an idea).